Excess fat beneath the chin (medically known as submental fullness) is a common cosmetic concern among women and men. Even patients who eat a nutritious diet and exercise regularly can notice fat beginning to accumulate under the chin simply due to the natural aging process. To address this issue, the Dermlounge at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery offers an innovative non-surgical treatment called KYBELLA®. With this treatment, patients can improve the contours of their chin and neck by breaking down excess fat, ultimately minimizing the appearance of a “double chin.”

How Does KYBELLA® Work?

KYBELLA® is designed to target and dissolve excess fat cells beneath the chin. This non-surgical injectable treatment is the only of its kind to be approved by the FDA. KYBELLA® is formulated with deoxycholic acid, which actively breaks down fat cells. This ingredient is also found naturally in the body. After the fat is broken down, the unwanted cells are metabolized and removed by the body. A typical KYBELLA® treatment session takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and can be performed right in our office. Patients can then begin to notice increased definition of their chin, and many people experience a boost in confidence after seeing the results.

Am I a Good Candidate for KYBELLA®?

During the consultation process, one of our medical skin care experts will perform a physical exam, thoroughly review your cosmetic concerns, and determine if you are a candidate for KYBELLA®. Most patients with excess fat beneath the chin or the top of the neck are considered good candidates. However, patients who also have loose or hanging skin below the chin may better benefit from a plastic surgery procedure, such as necklift surgery. KYBELLA® is not designed to address excess skin laxity. Depending upon the volume of excess fat and the cosmetic goals of the patient, 2-4 KYBELLA® treatment sessions may be scheduled to maximize the impact of the results.


When administered under the supervision of a board-certified plastic surgeon, KYBELLA® is considered both a safe and effective method of destroying excess fat cells beneath the chin. It is currently the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for double-chin reduction, and it has been the subject of more than 20 clinical studies. Additionally, during your pre-injection consultation, the staff here at Dermlounge will ensure that you are a suitable candidate for KYBELLA® by going over your medical history. Generally speaking, KYBELLA® may not be suitable for those who have or are currently recovering from an infection near the injection site. Certain medications, including blood thinners, may also impact your candidacy. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities, so you can be confident that our staff will ensure that any potential treatment is optimally suited to your unique needs and cosmetic goals.

Are There Any Side Effects from KYBELLA®?

To enhance patient comfort during the KYBELLA® procedure, a numbing agent will be applied to the skin at the injection site. Some patients may experience mild bruising, swelling, or numbness following treatment. Patients who experience these side effects should see them dissipate within about 2-3 days. Most patients return to work immediately after their KYBELLA® appointment.

What Can I Expect After KYBELLA® Treatment?

Most patients are able to resume their normal daily activities immediately following KYBELLA® treatment. However, you may experience swelling, numbness, and bruising in the area around the injection site. These symptoms typically subside within a few days, but some people may experience mild swelling for several weeks. You can help minimize swelling by applying a cold compress under the chin and taking over-the-counter pain medications in order to reduce inflammation. Since KYBELLA® is designed to gradually break down fatty tissue, it may take several weeks to begin seeing results. The full benefits of the procedure should become apparent after a few months.

How Long Does KYBELLA® Last?

KYBELLA® targets and destroys the fat cells around the injection site in order to enhance the contour of your chin and neck. Since fat cells do not regenerate, the results of the treatment are often quite long-lasting. However, the remaining fat cells beneath the chin can still fluctuate in size along with your weight, so it is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to extend the longevity of your results.

How Much Does KYBELLA® Cost?

The cost of KYBELLA® will vary between patients depending on several factors, including the number of sessions needed to achieve your desired results. At Dermlounge, the average cost per treatment typically begins around $2,000. Unfortunately, since KYBELLA® is a cosmetic procedure, it is not generally covered by insurance. However, our team will work with you to design a treatment plan that aligns with your needs, and you can rest assured that all of the costs associated will be clearly communicated in advance of the procedure.

Contact Us

To learn more about KYBELLA®, or to schedule a consultation at our medical spa, please contact our office today.